So for all those who are not in the know, I am internationally renowned. I've got copies of my alternate Civil War trilogy circulating nearly all corners of the globe. I've got readers and fans in Europe, North America and Australia. And with today, I release the last book of the Rise of the Confederacy Trilogy. Book 3 features massed battles, political intrigue and a few non-historical characters.
What is the Rise of the Confederacy Trilogy about?
Perhaps one of the most asked alternate history questions revolves around a Southern victory in the American Civil War.I explore what would have happened if Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia had destroyed a much larger portion of the Army of the Potomac during the Chancellorsville Campaign. Thus began a trilogy in which a desperate United States gives command of it's largest army to a man who has a plan to defeat the South, even if it means burning Northern farmlands to defeat them and launching a terrorist campaign against the South.
It's a rather fun read and I had lots of fun writing it. Part of the fun of it was going through and researching the Civil War again. I used to be an aficionado of the Civil War but time (and Netflix) helped shift from a sole concentration of the Civil War. Yet, going back through and finding out new stuff that I had never know was more than fun and helped shape incredible ideas for the story.
What the critics say?
For the most part, I've had a much better reception than bad. As of New Years Day at 12:01 am, I had sold over 600 copies of the stories. Sure, it comes down to the rather reasonable price for the books (all three books combined only come up to $3.75) but I am surprised by the flood of readers. Even my reviews have been on the up and up. I've had seven 5 star reviews, one 3 star review and only four reviews have been under 2 and under stars. And one of the four was a person who mistook the book for a factual telling of the Civil War and was confused at why I was adding a different history to the books!
The Future of my Books
It's not my last book that I'll ever write and I already have another books that will be released this month. It's an alternate history set during the Roman Republic which I think will appeal to all my fans. We also have two other books coming out in the next few months and I have no reason to doubt that by July there will be a multitude of new books out. Most will fall under alternate history, but I think most people will like it!
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